Featured Podcast

Karlyn Kagy
Iowa State
About Coach's Wife Life
How it Started...
While a championship trophy is lifted, another coach's efforts are dashed. Both walk off a field looking for one person...their wife. Hers are the first eyes he wants to meet to share the greatest joy they worked their entire lives to accomplish or the only eyes that can fully understand the torment and deafening sound of defeat.
A Coach's Wife
For over fifteen years, Kristen has worked as a sports reporter covering college, high school and professional sports. She's interviewed some of the most recognized athletes and coaches, but very few times did she get to interview the women that inspire those whose faces are on the nightly sportscast. Kristen has followed her husband, Joshua Eargle (current Tight Ends Coach at UTEP) around the country coaching college football. One thing is for sure, she's drawn strength and found support from the sisters of college football. She's found these women are some of the strongest, bravest, tenacious, selfless women you will ever meet and she will introduce them to you through a podcast. Join us and learn about the life of a coach's wife. Share your joy, sadness, and an occasional recipe to feed 20 linemen.